Accuracy ±0,1% of the applied load
The Griptech weighing pallet truck consists of a robust basic unit with 2000 kg load capacity and is equipped with high-quality weighing components. The hydraulic housing is galvanized and the large handle is covered with rubber. In each wheel ... Les mer
Accuracy ±0,1% of the applied load
Almost all common electric pallet trucks in drawbar design or with platform can be equipped with an integrated weighing system. The vehicles must be delivered to our factory for conversion.
Accuracy ±0,1% of the applied load
Almost all common electric electric stacker trucks in drawbar design or with platform are to be equipped with an integrated weighing system. The vehicles must be delivered to our factory for conversion. The load cells are integrated in the wheel arms ...
Les merAccuracy ±0,1% of the applied load
Weighing forks can be attached to any forklift with a FEM fork carriage. The weighing accuracy is very high and the system is designed so that the relatively rough truck use can not damage the weighing equipment. Signal transmission i
Les merAccuracy ±0.5% of the applied load
The weighing fork carriage should be fitted as a front-mounting device on the original fork carriage of the forklift. As an alternative, the weighing fork carriage can be integrated directly into the lifting frame. The weight and load offset diLes mer
Accuracy ± 2% of the capacity of the truck